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Ostatnie komentarze (zobacz wszystkie):

Komentowany pestycyd: AD Contact 90 SL
Hi, I just visited and wonde... [czytaj całość]
Autor: Danielle Simpson Data: 2024-04-19
Komentowany pestycyd: AD Contact 90 SL
Hi, If you are reading this message, That means... [czytaj całość]
Autor: Mike Guido Data: 2024-04-17
Komentowany pestycyd: Kontakttwin 191 EC
Odowidjwoidwo wojdwkslqmwjfbjjdwkd jkwlsqswknfbjwj... [czytaj całość]
Autor: MichaelCarly Data: 2024-04-15

Opinia nr 4924 o Jockey 201 FS - serwis internetowy prezentujący informacje na temat pestycydów. W bazie serwisu znajduje się blisko 1000 opisanych środków ochrony roślin. Zachęcamy do dodawania własnych opini na temat opisywanych środków chemicznych.

Polecamy zapoznanie się ze sklepem internetowym, na którym można kupić nasiona.

Nazwa usługodawcy: Jockey 201 FS.

Wpis numer 4924
Pete, I want to qualify my slug/snail knililg, by saying I'm in Australia. The weren't part of Australia's food chain until some other invaders arrived I love the idea of knililg rabbits, foxes, cats and all those cuddly creatures that are only good for roadkill down here. With cuddly animals I don't want to have to kill them myself: poison or someone else shotting them is fine with me (although I don't want them being tortured just stopped eating and reproducing). And then there's my own cats which I am completely hypocritical in not shooting. (Why wouldn't i be hypocritical when I'm an invader too)Back to the snails I used to use nasty chemicals, but I've since found iron chelate which is an organic farm input and supposedly doesn't kill them as nastily. I will get ducks when the cats get shot. I hope the cats didn't hear that >We shot the chickens. No one told us they crap continuously!That crap is good for the garden (although it does need some maturing. Poo just like a fine wine)
Autor wypowiedzi: KIewK4Q0kb Data: 2015-12-14 07:37:25 Komputer: 221.178.***.**
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